Corporate Seminars

Parenting Seminars

Delivered by Deirdre Brandner, Bluestone’s renowned Australian child psychologist and parenting expert. The seminars are highly practical, evidence based and grounded in the latest research. Seminars topics are tailored to your organizations needs.

Topic examples include:

  • 3 critical parenting skills to raise good humans

  • Helping your anxious child

  • Secrets to education success

  • Managing behaviour at every age

  • How to set boundaries

  • My child has ADHD – how can I help?

  • Managing screens and the digital world

  • How to raise a resilient child

  • Building a growth mindset in your children

  • Raising emotionally intelligent kids

  • Stress management for kids

  • My child is being bullied, what do I do?

  • How can I develop my child’s leadership skills?

“Family wellbeing is the next generation of employee wellbeing.”

Andrea Grant Robbiati, CHRO

When things aren’t going well at home, family issues can be all consuming for employees who are parents. Productivity and performance are negatively impacted as parents focus on home rather than work. Overlay that with parents being easily accessible by their children on their mobile phones and we have a presenteeism problem pervading our employee base.

Progressive leaders are supporting their employees with their parenting and family challenges. They understand that issues with family can be all consuming and spill over into the workplace. With the serious uptick in mental health challenges faced by our children and adolescents, caring leaders share their employees worries and are there to help -for the sake of their employees, their children, and their business.

Bluestone provide employers with consultation on Family Wellbeing and Parenting Seminars to upskill their employees on the parenting skills needed in today’s modern world.

Consultation on Family Wellbeing

Bluestone offers family wellbeing consulting from a unique combination of a global CHRO and an expert and experienced child and family psychologist to advise you on your family well-being strategy. We see family wellbeing as a critical component of a company’s employee value proposition. We can provide expert consulting support with data, evidence, and rationale for your strategy along with strategy and execution ideas.

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Hear from our co-founder, Andrea Grant-Robbiati.

“Companies with leaders who support their employees as parents, have higher followership and employee engagement. We need more leaders who understand, value, and know how to proactively care about their people and their families. It’s a ‘no brainer’ for next generation leaders.”

Andrea Grant Robbiati, Chief Human Resources Officer.